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LivWell Nutrition Protein Powder

LivWell Nutrition Protein Powder is a 100% plant-based protein blend made with only the best organic ingredients. Highly digestible, bioavailable protein in 4 sources combined to make an unparalleled amino acid profile for your muscle building and energy sustaining needs.

Natural Protein blend: organic yellow peas, organic sprouted brown rice, organic sacha inchi, organic hemp
1 scoop: Calories 105 Protein 23g fat 1g Sodium 153mg Carbohydrate 3g Sugar 0 Fiber 1g Calcium 41mg Iron 3mg Potassium 33mg

10 Bags Natural flavor left

LivWell Protein Powder 400 grams

Once this current stock is sold, there may be a possibility of future orders depending on demand.

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