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HealthForce Vitamineral Green

Organic Whole Food Supplement

HealthForce SuperFoods Vitamineral Green is a 100% vegan, raw, organic/wildcrafted, gluten free & yeast free green superfoods & probiotic nutritional powder that supports the liver, kidneys, blood, bones, colon, circulation & immune function. Vitamineral Green contains some of the most healing foods on the planet, & the single most important addition to a diet you can make. Vitamineral Green is a unique & extremely potent combination of nature’s most deeply nourishing, cleansing, & rebuilding superfoods. Vitamineral Green’s ingredients are specifically grown, processed, & combined to maximize their beneficial effects. Vitamineral Green contains a full spectrum of naturally occurring, absorbable & nontoxic vitamins, minerals (including naturally colloidal & better forms), all the essential amino acids (protein), antioxidants, chlorophyll, soluble & insoluble fibers, tens of thousands of phytonutrients, & a plethora of other synergistically bound, organic nutrients. Contains no synthetic or isolated nutrients. Ingredients: Nettle Leaf, Carob Pod, Alfalfa Leaf, Barley Grass Leaf, Wheat Grass Leaf, Horsetail Aerial, Parsley Leaf, Ginger Root, Barley Grass Leaf Juice, Basil Leaf, Oat Grass Leaf Juice, Dandelion Leaf, Moringa Leaf, Amla Berry Juice, Holy Basil Leaf, Spirulina, Chlorella, Kelp Leaf, Dulse Leaf, Nori Leaf, Enzyme Catalysts: Protease, Alpha-Galactosidase, Amylase, Cellulase, Lipase, Bromelain, Papain.

Vitamineral Green

HealthForce Antioxidant Extreme

HealthForce Antioxidant Extreme showcases an anti-inflammatory powerhouse blend of full-spectrum antioxidants while supporting immune and cognitive functions. Organic Ingredients: Turmeric (Whole Root), Turmeric Root Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Japanese Knotweed Extract, Green Tea Extract, Cinnamon Bark, Peppermint Leaf, Black Pepper, Ginger Root, Maqui Berry Fruit, Amla Berry Fruit Extract, Açai Berry Fruit.

Antioxidant Extreme 360 Veg Caps

HealthForce Earth Broth

HealthForce Earth Broth is a deeply nutritive & grounding counterpart to Vitamineral Green. The best sources of essential fatty acids, cleansing and highly nutritive roots, and colon detoxifying & supportive foods. These foods have different nutritional properties than greens. HealthForce Earth Broth can be used on its own as a grounding superfood blend, or taken in the same day as Vitamineral Green for a balance of yin and yang, & a huge infusion of resonant, deeply nutritive, extremely mineral-rich, grounding sustenance & Life Force. Organic Ingredients: Astragalus Root, Ashwagandha Root, Burdock Root, Yacon Root, Dandelion Root Extract, Ginger Root, Flax Seed, Chia Seed, Milk Thistle Seed Extract, Chickpea Miso (Handmade Rice Koji, Whole Chickpeas, Sun-Dried Sea Salt, Blue Ridge Mtn. Well Water, Koji Spores), Chili Pepper Fruit & Seed, Red Clover Flower, Slippery Elm Bark, Paprika Fruit, Kelp Leaf, Watercress Leaf, Blessed Thistle Herb, Sheep Sorrel Herb, Sage Leaf, Ceylon Cinnamon Bark, Reishi Mushroom Extract, Shiitake Mushroom Extract, Maitake Mushroom Extract. Due to the cleansing nature of Earth Broth, start with 1 teaspoon & gradually increase to 1 or more tablespoons per day. Try mixing Earth Broth with herbal tea, miso broth, or veggie soup. Earth Broth can also be consumed raw sprinkled on foods, mixed with salad dressings, or added to smoothies.

HealthForce Earth Broth 500 grams

HealthForce Truly Natural Vitamin C

HealthForce Truly Natural Vitamin C contains naturally occurring Vitamin C in a powdered form. It is non-toxic in low or high dosages, highly absorbable, and therefore is rarely excreted (expensive waste) through your urine. Ingredients: Organic Acerola Cherry Powder, whole camu camu, whole amla berry, tapioca starch (Acerola drying medium). Each 2 teaspoon serving provides 360 mg of vitamin C.

Vitamin C Powder Case of 12 Bottles

HealthForce Warrior Food Extreme Protein Powder

Vanilla: Organic Pea Protein Concentrate, Sprouted Brown Rice Concentrate, Mesquite Pod, Vanilla Bean, Nopal Cactus Leaf

Carob: Pea Protein Concentrate, Sprouted Brown Rice Concentrate, Carob Pod, Mesquite Pod, Nopal Cactus Leaf, Cinnamon Bark

Natural: Pea Protein Concentrate, Sprouted Brown Rice Concentrate, Nopal Cactus Leaf

Can mix & match Natural, Chocolate, or Vanilla. Please note your choices & quantity when ordering.

Warrior Food Extreme Protein Powder 1000gm

Choose Flavors

HealthForce Spirulina Manna Powder

HealthForce Spirulina is grown in the California desert in man-made ponds that are sheltered from outside contamination without the use of pesticides & processed at low temperatures (to retain enzymes & other heat-sensitive elements). To ensure no contamination, a Certificate of Analysis attached to every single shipment received. Raw Organic Spirulina Manna is a whole food with the world’s highest known source of complete protein, containing all 8 essential amino acids (& 10 of the 12 non-essential ones). Raw Organic Spirulina yields 20 times more protein per acre than soybeans & consists of 70% protein (compared to beef’s 22%). Raw Organic Spirulina is a significant source of Vitamin B-12 & contains vitamins A, E, K, B-complex, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorous, & iron. Raw Organic Spirulina Manna provides other minerals, trace minerals, cell salts, phytonutrients, enzymes, an abundance of chlorophyll & other beneficial pigments. Raw Organic Spirulina Manna is alkaline & helps balance your body’s pH.

Spirulina Manna Case of 12 Bottles

All HealthForce SuperFoods products are available by request.

Shelf-life is 3 yrs unrefrigerated. HealthForce products are packaged in amber glass bottles with a metal lid & oxygen absorber for optimum nutrient preservation. All prices include free shipping from HealthForce SuperFoods to the continental 48 states ONLY to insure the freshest ingredients. A Non-U.S. billing address, requires an additional fee. No international shipping is available.

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